
My name is Richard Sherwood Seabrook. I have recently earned my "New Media Design & Web Development" Diploma from the British Columbia Institute of Technology. My educational journey has ignited a deep passion for crafting captivating user experiences. I specialize in transforming design concepts into seamlessly functioning interfaces, leveraging my proficiency in a diverse range of modern web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and responsive design principles. With an unwavering commitment to detail, strong problem-solving skills, and a dedication to staying current with industry trends, I consistently deliver digital solutions that balance aesthetics with functionality.

I live in Vancouver, BC, with my partner Cheyenne and our young daughter Siona. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, I managed a thriving mobile DJ business, providing audio and DJ services across the lower mainland and beyond. However, in 2021, I decided to pivot my career towards the dynamic world of media and technology. This transition aligns perfectly with my lifelong passion for digital content creation, encompassing music, video, and animation.

Since completing my diploma, I've remained committed to continuous learning through platforms like LinkedIn Learning and YouTube. Additionally, I've started contributing to open-source projects to further develop my skills. Currently, I'm actively seeking a full-time role as a Junior Front End Developer, with a strong desire to join a forward-thinking employer who values creativity and innovation within a respectful work environment. Let's collaborate and create something remarkable together!


Programming Languages

Proficient in a range of programming languages commonly used in web development.

  • HTML5

  • CSS3

  • JavaScript

  • PHP

Front End Development

Skilled in front-end technologies, with expertise in creating responsive and interactive web interfaces.

  • Concepts:

  • Responsive Web Design

  • CSS Pre/Post Processors

  • JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries

  • Cross-Browser Compatibility

  • Debugging and Browser Tools

  • Single Page Applications

  • Tech:

  • React.js

  • React Native

  • TypeScript

  • jQuery

  • GSAP

  • Three.js

  • Sass

  • Tailwind

  • Bootstrap

  • Fullpage.js

  • Barba.js

Back End Development

Trained in back-end technologies including server-side scripting and database management for web applications.

  • Concepts:

  • Server-Side Scripting

  • Database Management

  • RESTful API Development / Integration

  • Authentication and Authorization Systems

  • Content Management Systems

  • Tech:

  • MySQL

  • Laravel

  • Node.js

  • RESTful API

  • Postman

  • Wordpress

Development Tools

Well-versed in essential development tools to enhance productivity and collaboration throughout the software development process.

  • Concepts:

  • Code Editors

  • Package Managers

  • Task Runners / Build Tools

  • Version Control

  • Tech:

  • Visual Studio Code

  • Android Studio

  • npm

  • expo

  • yarn

  • Webpack

  • Git / Github

Digital Content Creation

Proficient in digital content creation tools for graphics, music, audio/video editing, 3D modeling and animations, contributing to multimedia-rich web experiences.

  • Concepts:

  • Graphic Design

  • Digital Music Composition

  • Audio / Video Editing

  • 3D Modelling

  • Keyframe Animation

  • Tech:

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe After Effects

  • Adobe Premier

  • Adobe Audition

  • Adobe Dimension

  • DaVinci Resolve

  • Ableton Live

  • Blender3D